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Sunday, December 9, 2007

All dressed up...

For the first time in weeks and weeks, perhaps months I am BORED. It feels amazing - you should really try it out. It's like, there's not concrete TASK at hand, but yet I am not asleep. Odd.

What I am trying to say is that my semester is effectively over. With only a few trivial tasks to finish up I have had the chance to do things like do laundry, go shopping, clean my room. Whee indeed! The floor is a kind of orangish-brown, apparently.

While I am chatting, I thought I should apologize for being so selfish recently, not thinking of my readership and posting so many pictures of myself (due mainly to a friend who is quick with the shutter). It's a consequence of the artificial pressure - I guess that is part of what I came to school for, but not sure if it's right for me. Whatever, it's more than I can approach. Don't know why I feel the need to write, but I do it anyway. Whether that's good or bad, huh, whatever, I don't want to be a futuro-reporter, and I don't want to drill holes in my brain for some power-player's amusement. Just want to occassionally make a tiny tap of a connection, even if it happens in a lazy hazy crazy way.

Now, even though I had a very funny night Friday, ending up singing Blue Hawaii at a KaraOke Bar somewhere, I was prepared to go out again tonight, as there is a pile of leaves rustling in the wind that I would like to get to know. Beautiful something strange and far. Well, it's only the movement. Or prehaps that's just my metaphor for desperation, although it's in retreat tonight. Anyway, I missed my connection, so now here I am, really, with clothes that match and are even clean and perhaps nice. I hear the sirens swimming through the muffled bassbeats, charges racing through the city's obscure party-points. But I think I'll read a book or something. Wonderful!

All my love to my neglected friends, who, sadly, are used to my inconsistency.