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Sunday, December 16, 2007

banging & stacking

I'm studying these signs for part of my video. There's a lot of useless crap out there on YouTube, but I found some gels.

Then this is this awesome pdf from New JerZEE. This is gonna make you SMART! Another example of state initiatives that work back asswards (i.e. everything I know abou drugs I learned at school.)
And just while I'm at it, Cripwalk is fucking amazing - it's so freakin silly and dangerous looking. And when he poses with the legs out he looks just like a video game bad guy.And when he looks around he looks like an icon of looking around.

And as long as I'm dis-tracted, here's another flavor of that:

And then, as long as we are getting educational:

And I suppose we can finish up the evening with a classic from my er area. No wait, seriously, try to understand what he's saying. Nonsense runs strong in the bay.

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