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Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Vellcome 2 1st Post - - - Ol' Blogg

I was keeping my blog on geocities, but <<< IT SUCKS!!!! >>> Sorry old pal, but we've got major issues!

Me Old Blog --- Synesthetic Superscam Sr.

As an inaugurative post I am going to lay down links to 6 of my old posts in an attempt to help me digg what I was doing right and wrong with the old blog. The second post will be the last post on my old blog (to provide continuity...)


At one point I figured out that information=entropy. Now I have no idea what that means, but I'll stick to my guns and say it's true. It doesn't surprise me at all when everything gets totally messed up, and this is science! Thing is, that's the same thing that makes it impossible not to watch every episode of "deadwood" on the DVD even though it's waaay after midnight. I'll explain if you keep tuned, ok? After all, my room's a mess. I don't know about yours. So:

art as information theory, a primer


On Dec. 7th I launched the project GWAZDOR A.I. GAIA a.k.a. massmind pix etc. etc. etc. . There's a ton of noise about this, and I'll talk it to you sometime soon (it's really in the tubes for real, so just sittight). Because the words are so tough to comprehend, I posted them:



Then I posted about the "dreammachine" I put on YouTube - A variation of an invention by Brion Gysin that I learned about thru William Burroughs. Thing is, it doesn't really work 'cause of YouTube's problematic Flash compression. Compression is hell! A better version of the dreammachine is online here. Well:

dream machine


I also launched this video which I made with Flash and on my old psr-550. I am still keeping the secret. Thing is, nobody gives a shit. But this fits in - I want to know what people are thinking - doublecheck so we can agree upon common variables in order to calibrate our communication. This is actually not much of a post. I'm still learning:

It's my release party!


Then I got into 10 dimensional space. Well, it turns out we are all in 10 dimensional space already. No, I DON'T know what I'm talking about. But actually, nobody really gets it... This is also post that lit a virtual firestorm of virulent sockpuppetry. I guess there are a lot of fake people out there who have strong feelings about hyperspace! Checkit:

tesseract, of course


I am pretty sure that machine translation is one of the most useful and underappreciated tools out there today. But not for understanding text from another language. It's pretty much useless for that. But I think it forms a webshape that is ultimately useful for automatic knowledge fabrication and divination. When I was in Tokyo I was literally addicted to running texts through the language-destroyer - I have hundreds of pages of pure mechanical nonsense that really lights it up for me. I posted a lot of crap made by machining texts back and forth between various languages, but I guess I haven't quite figured out how to make it appear as amazing as I know it is inside. Here is an example of some dialogue from Glypix by Gwazdor run through Korean:

“It was this… Oh-oh! To be like this… it was quite strange…”

And that's it for my old blog. Oh - I don't know if this one will be any better, but it might happen that way by accident. I don't intend to find anything special for you - I don't really have my finger on the pulse or anything. I'm just trying to understand some things out there that may have been around a long time but are still understood only vaguely.

Speaking about vague,



Anonymous said...

Looks like your learning curve was more of a flatliner.

Anonymous said...

sweet widen dcita surveymonkey illustrate undo leaves yearn irns addressed water
lolikneri havaqatsu