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Monday, January 21, 2008

Network recentering

H- is making an effort to revive the dialogue on his multi-party creative commons and crit site The Extended Pizza Network. A lot of people have posted recently and if the dialogue gets going the way it did earlier, well, that would be awesome.

I posted something there so that I could get some feedback about some text I've been working on for my recent project.

I really should be working today, but I'm NOT! Baaaad!

There is a link to the video game maps page on the EPN. If I were going to try to learn to paint these are the colors that I would like to paint with:

Click to enlarge.


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah - it took me a minute to remember the oldest trick in the book.

See that guy wanted to make a reality show with people from the world who had this problem. unscripted and probably couldn't get on a network. This is one episode on a drama. Which is kind of interesting. Maybe? We should have gone to see him shoot porn.


Eff Gwazdor said...

(This has nothing to do with the post...)

Hey A-,

It's just that moment of non-rememberance that makes that old trick work every time...

Yeah - I didn't even read that article, but I agree, it's always interesting to watch an artist at work. Yup.