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Tuesday, June 12, 2007


This post is officially the formal "coming-out" party for my brother's new MUSIC PROJECT and accompanying BLOG:


Chester is, as many of you know, a freaking musical genious and one of the most lion-hearted dudes ever to wear a thrift-store T-shirt.

Chet had this really amazing idea for what to do with his time this summer - he is going on a "tour" - but not a performance tour. No, he is putting all his recording gear in his klonky Volvo and going around to record as many bands as he can fit into a tight summer schedule. His philosophy is simple but spot-on brilliant. Every band has a myspace page nowadays, so very few of them even try to get a recording contract and they never see the inside of a recording studio. Of course, Chet is very keen on the home-recorded sound, the kind of lo-fi that adds flavor and atmosphere, but a lot of these recordings end up just sounding flat. But Chester has got the skills to melt the hills, if you know what I'm saying. He could record a mosquito fart in a Jumbo-Jetts vs Cyber-Elephant all-night marching-band rugby Bang-A-Thon.

He's already started recording, and he's got a bunch more lucky ducks lined up, which is great for them because Chet is a freaking sith lord with that record-button and they are going to be among the first to be blessed with his sonic grace.

The blog is pretty cool - he's been updating regularly and there's already a good deal of sound and links up there. It hasn't manifested the mystery yet, but it's certainly passed the point of diamond in the rough.

So put it on your links list and check it out from time to time. Support the creative and shun the mindless drones and perhaps you will die a relatively painless death.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I think NOVA might be going down. The govt. says they can't book new students for 6 months. I sure hope I can find a new job before it happens. I can't afford to send all my stuff home.