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Thursday, June 28, 2007


I read about an iced coffee recipe in the NYTimes. It said that it is less bitter than regular iced coffee and I was excited to hear this because my stomach is so fucked up. Less bitter is less badder (which means better).

This is a 12 hour recipe:

Take coffee, put like one scoop per half coffeecup of cold water into a mason jar or you know something with a lid. And put the lid on.

Let is sit out for 12 hours at room temperature.

Then pour the coffee out - it said to use a sieve - but who has that? I tried just pouring it out real slowly after not having disturbed the peace.

Into a coffee filter.

Then into a glass.

With ice. I smash ice with the back of an icecream scoop. Smash! Because the coffee is really strong lots and lots of ice is important, and you have to wait for it to melt. If you are in a hurry you should probably splash in a little water.

I added a little milk, but no sugar.

The point is that it isn't as bitter because the tannins don't dissolve at low temperatures (I just made that up!).

But it has lots and lots of caffeine - not enough to stop the earth spinning on it's axis - but who knows how much caffeine that would take?

This coffee will enable you to travel back in time through taste. It made me realize - you have to build a dock so the boat can pull up. Maybe automatically every six months, or at the beginning of a time of changes.

Next time I will try it with cardamom.

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