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Friday, May 25, 2007

Infinity Echo Chamber

It doesn't have any size. But theortically there is a wall at the far end for sound to bounce off of. But who cares? I'll be dead before infinity, that's for sure. But we don't have to go to infinity. How about just down to the market and back - that should be far enough to kill the sound. And what about the air-conditioners whirring and the planes coming in for a landing at Newark? That's the problem with math I think. And I don't know what math is, but I don't know what art is or I am and I talk about these things all the time, so I can't bother to ask your forgiveness. Somebody should take the mathmaticians and say to them, "Look - these equations are really gorgeous, like some kind of extradimentional chandelier, but you need to look at the world!" Like taking a bad dog to where it made a mess. I've been trying to measure sloppy pencil lines and divide them by threes and two using a metal ruler long enough to understand that intuition thrives on a diet of imprecision. Intuition and joriki - meditation-powered mindlessness power. With all variables accounted for that extreme unselfish self-confidence disappears as it's imprecision is seen as inexacitude. Wrongness. There can be no imagination. But rulers fail on dubious lines and crumpled paper and on fudges and cheats. That's the real world - tree's roots grow around rocks and sometimes through them. Because breaking the rules is the key to creative action. What math makes sense? Estimation. But this should be a year at school and involve cliffdiving and trying to kiss people for the first time to emphasize the difference between zero and one. It is an unexplored branch of mathmatics that really makes me sore. Because math, being a made-up way of looking at the world, should take into acount these ten fingers and tell me why five should round up to ten. Well, there are certainly occassions where 5 becomes 8 to match the beat, or where five sticks out like a sore thumb but 5.3333333333333 clicks into a perfect whole. And there are times where zero and one are interchangeable, and where nine is one and zero at the same time, the only difference being that one is mirrored. I am not being mystical, I am just giving examples of numering systems I have had to use to create the animations for Perceival. Because number theory is as much of a mind game as art theory. And how about identity? Did you know that at the subatomic level, when you have two particles, it is impossible to switch them. They are separate, but they don't have identities, so one could be the other it is impossible to tell and a waste of thought to care. So what about infinity? Where are the consequences? The physical pain, the having to stop for food, the breath? Physics really fixed itself up good when it discovered the Heisenberg uncertainty principal - that down at the tiniest levels precise measurement is impossible. That you can measure one attribute of a particle, but not the other. This is pointing at the real. And big surprize, the universe isn't drawn on graph paper. So now physics is coming apart at the seams, and there is a place in the equations for an observer to tie it all together, which does tend to complicate matters by pointing to the mess, and that seems right. So what I am waiting for is someone to find the magic bullet for math. Blow it up! I want to see what color it burns! Because the biggest mystery is not that some people can find the square root of huge numbers in their heads, but that people can add two single-digit numbers and get the WRONG ANSWER.


Dina Danish said...

It's funny as I woke up remembering a dream I had last night about this really annoying 8 year old boy who kept winning contests, just because he could muliply any number by 2.344444 and get the answers immediately.
I personally never really understood the wisdom of math. Teachers always refused to explain the practicle usefulness of math, which was kind of annoying.
But now coming to think about it, someone had told me that the beauty of math lies in its abstractness. There's no need to try and make sense of it, or even relate it to the universe. It's kind of like when they tell us that you shouldn't try to look for a representative image in a painting that is intentionally abstract. But you know what, most of us can't help it..
hmmmmmm.... sorry about the blablablaaa

Eff Gwazdor said...

I ran into a girl at a bar last night (that's right folks - you know me - always out in the bars, meeting girls...). She is a math teacher at a public school in the bronx. Third grade. And she was telling me how she has to teach the kids how to count because they make mistakes counting backwards on their fingers to get 10 dived by 2 equals 6. You try it. Lift your left thumb, say ten, then count backwards on your fingers to six. When you lift your pinky and say "six" how many fingers are up? Four, and a thumb. Five. Ten divided by two equals six. It makes sense. Anyway, these kids have fallen behind and are doing remedial work because at that age they are supposed to be doing multiplication and division, but they are not yet socialized into our standard counting systems, so they can't do this advanced math.

By the way, nobody needs to apologize for any "blablablaaa" here. This is the wheel of blablablaaa and it spins round and round.

And I certainly don't mind if someone disagrees with the thesis statement of the last post. Wwwhat was it again? Math is stupid? I should be able to give any answer to any question and have someone say, "Oh how creative - you're RIGHT - zero and one ARE basically the same. What a smart head!