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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Don't Forget the Amnestics

Are you plagued by troublesome thoughts?

Do you sometimes find yourself between two places?

Is "just being" unduly effortful?

Does the rate at which time passes not fit your needs?

The answer is waiting in a pill. Take amnesia all the time. It's easy easy easy. It's easy easy easy easy. Then you won't have to drive a car. Then you won't have to read books or watch movies. Then we can go fwd together, and go through, and sidewalks can be twice as thin, and dating services, and walls, and we can go fwd together fluently. I can't recall. I was not a witness. I wasn't there. Ant and Bee. Spider and Hogfish. This and that. It dissolves. In water. In tonic water. And it goes down smooth. Smoothly. Much love from the year time stopping observed, fireworks, applause, 2039.


Eff Gwazdor said...

It's an approximate rendering of an advert from one of my dreams last night. It's not about narcotics, it's about a prescription drug that lets you walk around and do everything you norally do without having to experience anything. A consciouness-destroying drug, a complete memory-erasing drug. But one that does not affect your behavior in any way.

Eff Gwazdor said...

It was a dream about the future.