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Friday, August 17, 2007

Best intentions

The purpose of this is to think of all the projects that are running through my head and write them out to record what my mental state and plans were BEFORE I started my first semester at Berkeley. I am going to attempt to do this without referring to my EXTENSIVE NOTES on the simple yet unproven theory that any idea bad enough to be forgotten deserves to be forgotten. Which of course nullifies the whole premise of this activity. Well, sort of. I mean, the point being that I remember crying on the first day of kindergarten, but I forget why.
It should be said that artists are often paranoid that if they share their top secret mega ideas that someone will steal them. But in my case I don’t really care. If you can actually understand what the hell I am trying to explain here go the hell ahead and steal away. After doing this and that project about how inaccurately and idiosyncratically people copy things, and after enjoying the products of so much PAKURI I don’t really have any confidence that you will create anything like what I would. If I ever carried these projects out. Which I know through personal experience it is very unlikely that I will. After all, aren’t I going to enter this program that promises to be intense and smart and all that jazz? Aren’t I? And, plus, after all, I stole all my ideas. I rather I stole bits and bits of them.
Now I’m too tired to actually write anything.

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